вторник, 16 август 2016 г.

Published 6:51 by

Pokemon GO Cheats, Tips, & Hack for Pokeballs & Pokecoins

Pokémon GO is an adventure game developed by Niantic Incorporated, а company known for the popular title – Ingress. The game is fully licensed by The Pokémon Company and it is available on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store in 2016. It has just been released and it already has been downloaded for almost half а million times. It has an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 and it requires an Android version of 4.4 or iOS 8.0 or later.

The title is definitely self-explanatory – in Pokémon GO you literally go on an adventure to catch Pokémon. You will play the game while walking on streets, you will visit different landmarks so you can get new items, you will team-up with your soon-to-be friends and you will do whatever it takes to defend your gyms. Prepare yourself for a unique game based on the engine of Ingress and the popularity of Pokémon.

Pokémon GO requires a mandatory sign-up but that can be very easy achieved in 2016. On Android devices you will use your Google Play Services account and on Apple devices your App Store account. If you prefer, you can create a Pokémon Trainer Club and you will be good to go. Because the game requires a sign-in, your data will be saved regardless the device you use and when for as long as you use the same account you registered with.

The game currently uses only one currency called Pokécoins. You can use them to buy Pokéballs, various items for your Pokémon or extra storage. The price for those themed coins starts from $0.99 in exchange of 100 coins and goes up to $99.99 in exchange of 14,500 coins. There are also different values in-between.

Pokemon GO Hack for Pokecoins & Pokeballs 2016

Do you want to win at Pokemon GO? Want to beat all of your friends? You’ll need a lot of pokecoins and pokeballs! To get them for free, download our Pokemon GO hack tool now, straight from our website. This will let you easily get pokeballs and pokecoins.

The Pokemon GO hack tool is super simple to use! Have a look at the image below. All you need to do is enter the amount of pokeballs and pokecoins you want. It couldn’t be any easier. You can use the Pokemon GO hack tool without jailbreaking or APK rooting your device.

>>>> go to online hack <<<<

